"Julio Perillan"
Julio Perillan etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster

Genre: Romance, Drama
Director: Anne Misawa
Year: Y2003
Country: USA
Language: English
Cast: Samuel A. Levine,Martha Chukinas,Trevor Lissauer,Julio Perillan,Mathew Walker

This is Peter's story; an 18 year old boy who takes a journey through a conservative southern all-male university in order to discover himself. With the help of his roommate, Joe and his roommate's girlfriend, Bess, Peter begins to explore more about himself and his values only to be crushed by those who love him. The path becomes blurred and treacherous and Peter learns that only by relying on the strength of strangers will he be able to heal himself. The decisions he makes when confronted with this new truth will affect him forever. Keywords:Coming Of Age,Suicide,Menage A Trois