Genre: Romance, Comedy, Drama
Director: Ferzan Ozpetek
Year: Y2010
Country: Italy
Language: Italian
Cast: Riccardo Scamarcio,Nicole Grimaudo,Alessandro Preziosi,Ennio Fantastichini,Lunetta Savino
At a family dinner, parents Vincenzo and Stefania Cantone plan on turning over the factory to their two sons, Antonio Cantone and Tommaso Cantone. The younger Tommaso, who has returned home from business school in Rome for this dinner, has his own important news which he plans on divulging at that dinner. Beforehand, he tells Antonio his news. He is not in business school and does not want to run the factory, leaving that to Antonio. Rather, he wants to stay in Rome to be a writer - he has submitted a manuscript of a novel to a publisher - but more importantly that he is gay. Tommaso is certain that their parents will not take any of this news well. But before Tommaso can make his statement at the dinner, Antonio, who has been working at the factory for years, drops his own bombshell of news on the family, which results in Vincenzo disowning Antonio and having a mild heart attack. Tommaso feels that he has no other choice now but to keep quiet, and stay to run the factory while his father recuperates. A visit from Rome by Tommaso's flamboyant gay friends - including Tommaso's lover, Marco - may make life difficult for Tommaso as he tries to balance his priorities in life. Tommaso's paternal grandmother, who started the factory, who is known as the loose cannon of the family and who has a long kept secret of her own, may have her own say in what happens in the family.

Non farti mai dire dagli altri chi devi amare, e chi devi odiare. Sbaglia per conto tuo, sempre. E` il monito che l'anziana nonna rivolge al nipote Tommaso rientrato a casa da Roma deciso ad affermare le proprie scelte personali anche a costo di scontrarsi con la famiglia.
Quella di Tommaso, il figlio minore dei Cantone proprietari di un pastificio in Puglia, e` una famiglia numerosa e stravagante.
In casa c'e` molta attesa per il suo ritorno: la nonna ribelle e intrappolata nel ricordo di un amore impossibile, la mamma Stefania, amorosa ma soffocata dalle convenzioni borghesi, il padre Vincenzo deluso nelle aspettative sui figli, la zia Luciana a dir poco eccentrica, la sorella Elena che rifugge un destino da casalinga, il fratello Antonio da affiancare nella nuova gestione del pastificio di famiglia.
Insieme a loro Alba, la cui strada incrocia professionalmente
quella dei Cantone.
Non mancano pero` sorprendenti rivelazioni e colpi di scena.
Ed anche per questo il soggiorno di Tommaso dovra` protrarsi ben piu` a lungo del previsto...



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